Have you ever experienced an embarrassing folklorico moment during your dancing career? When it comes to folklorico dancing there is no way to avoid embarrassing moments during rehearsal and/performances...something is bound to happen us eventually! The great thing is that moments like these are what make doing what we do fun, interesting and unforgettable.

The members of Ballet Folklorico de Los Angeles were brave enough to share 10 of their most embarrassing moments with all of you in the hope that you'll get a good laugh. =D

#1 "When you're dancing your heart out and your zipper decides to break and you don't notice until your partner or another dancer tells you to check your pants 'with their eyes' LOL! " -Christ

#2 "When I forgot to bring my foklorico shoes to my first performance with BFLA at the Nokia Theater! I tried not to cry backstage." -Ivette

#3 "I exited to the wrong side of the stage at the Ford Amphitheater and bumped into the person next to me. Oops!" -Melissa I.

#4 "Once I was dancing El Tilingo Lingo and by the time the song was over my bloomers were at my ankles and I had to make the bow for La Bamba next. I literally ran off stage and kicked my bloomers off during the intro of La Bamba...my partner was on stage freaking out!" -Kareli

#5 "I was dancing inside of the floreador's rope when he wacked me in face! I really had to hold my tears back on stage and keep fake smiling." -Melissa G.

#6 "I was dancing La Iguana de Colima when I ran to jump, but instead slipped and landed on the floor in half a second. Not to mention that this was during an assembly in front of elementary school kids..." -Jonathan

#7 "I was dancing the Aztec Fire dance and accidentally lit the floor on fire. I tried putting it out with my foot, which worked, but burned my foot to the bone! OMG, I continued dancing even if I was in pain the whole time!!!" -Chilo

#8 "I forgot to put on bloomers before going on stage to dance Chihuahua...Nooooo!!!" -Sirila

#9 "I was thrown into a song that I had never danced before or knew the choreography to. One word...IMPROVISE!" -Britanny

#10 "I completely forgot to put on my slip under my Veracruz dress at La Fonda. No wonder the people in front of me were whispering to each other the entire time!" -Kareli

There you go fellow folkloristas! We hope that you were able to relate to some of our embarrassing moments. Please leave a comment below with your thoughts and if you're brave enough, share one of your embarrassing moments with all of us. 

Thank you for visiting our blog!

Maestra Kareli =)

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