15 Words That Mean Something Different to Non-Folklórico Dancers

#1 "Borracho"

What it normally means: Some one who has had too much tequila!

What it means to us: One of the most common dance movements in folklórico where the dancer crosses one leg behind the other. 

#2  "Rushing"

What it normally means: What you do when you have an hour to write a ten page paper or when you're late to work/class.

What it means to us: To begin doing footwork at a certain pace and end up doing it twenty times faster before your teacher yells at you, "Don't Rush! Follow the music!"

#3  "Tocado"

What it normally means: For Spanish speakers it might come across as someone or something that has been touched. 

What it means to us: What female folklórico dancers wear in their hair when they perform (Braids, flowers, etc...).

#4 "Partner"

What it normally means: A gender-neutral term for a significant other.

What it means to us: Your other half! Usually in a non-romantic way, but don't be surprised if they're your actual soul mate. 

#5 "Car"

What it normally means: A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people. 

What it means to us: Our very own mobile closet, dressing room and recycle bin. 

#6 "Traveling"

What it normally means: Going on vacation and seeing the world!

What it means to us:  Moving across the dance floor in the exact same way for the billionth time; making each step you take take you forward five steps instead of just one.

#7 "Ball"

What it normally means: A very cool spheric device that's used to play some of the best sports on the planet. It is also a big party where people wear fancy a clothes. 

What it means to us: The curved part of the foot where the big toe joins the foot.  We use it when we turn, do "puntillas," waltz, etc...

#8 "Caballito"

What it normally means: Caballito means "small horse" in Spanish.

What it means to us: A very cool step where we emulate horse movements and make a galloping sound with our feet.  

#9 "Remate"

What it normally means: Swampmeet or auction in Spanish. Somewhere where you can find ALL kinds of items for cheap.

What it means to us: To finish a step with a single or double accent.  It's the ¡Tan Tan!

#10 "Spotting"

What it normally means: Getting a stain on something or seeing something far away.

What it means to us: The answer to the infamous question, "How do you spin around so fast and not throw up?"

#11 "Bun"

What it normally means: What you serve your hotdog or hamburger on. It tastes best when it's warm right out of the oven.

What it means to us: A fully cemented round brick of hair that's glued to the top of your head for your own good. 

#12 "Bobby Pins"

What it normally means: A small beauty accessory used to keep your hair in place. 

What it means to us: A tool that is used in very large quantities that is usually  jammed into your skull in order to keep your "trenzas" from flying off and hitting your partner in the face.  They can be found in your bedroom, car, bathroom floor, all over the dance studio and even in your vacuum. 

#13 "Double, double"

What it normally means: The best burger on the planet, usually found at In-N-Out. 

What it means to us: Doing two stomps with each foot. Doubles eventually turn into the infamous "carretilla" step. 


#14 "Tornillo"

What it normally means: For Spanish speakers this word means "screw."

What is means to us: One of the most interesting movements you'll ever learn when it comes to the state of Jalisco. 


#15 "Bathroom"

What it normally means: A room containing a toilet and sink and sometimes a shower. 

What it means to us: Our dressing room 80 percent of the time. 


Thank you for visiting our blog!  Can you think of any other words to add to the list? 

See you next time!

Maestra Kareli =)

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