Folklorico Etiquette 101: 10 Dance Class Rules You Should Follow
How many of you want to excell in folklorico dance class?
If you're a truly passionate dancer, you should always try to excell in your dance class. Before you can be the apple of your Meastro or Maesta's eye, there are a few simple rules you should follow:
#1 Arrive to class on time.
Being punctual is extremely important. If you know that you will be arriving late to the class, make sure to let your dance teacher know before you arrive. If you absolutely can't avoid being late, enter very quickly and quietely, and wait for the OK from your dance teacher to enter the dance floor. It is rude to jump into the class without your teachers permission. After class make sure to apologize for your late arrival.
#2 Put your cell phone away.
Turn your cell phone OFF and put it away. You don't want to be distracted during class. Putting your cell phone on vibrate may still make distracting noise.
#3 Listen while the teacher is talking.
This means not talking or "zapatating" while the teacher is talking. No talking to your neighbor even if it's quietly.
#4 Pay attention at all times, especially when waiting for your turn.
Pay attention to what the other dancers are doing and make note of any corrections that the teacher is making so that when it's your turn, you don't make the same mistakes. Make sure not to slouch, look bored, or yawn. And don't ever sit down unless you're asked to!
#5 Let the advanced students stand in the front.
Even if you arrive to class first, avoid standing in the front unless you know the combination or footwork.
#6 Don't leave and come back to your class.
Stay for the entire class. No coming in and out. This may be distracting to your colleages.
#7 Come prepared.
Make sure you bring the proper dance clothes and your hair brushed neatly. Don't forget your shoes, skirt, dance bag etc. You have to have the proper tools for a productive rehearsal at all times.
#8 Demonstrate good spacial awareness.
This includes giving your dance teacher space and not bumping into other dancers during the class. The key to good choreography is spacial awareness. You want to practice this throughout the entire class, whether you're doing footwork in lines accross the floor or rehearsing a choreographed piece.
#9 Try your best.
Never give up! Even if you're just getting started, hang in there. "What doesn't challenge you doesn't change you. "
#10 Be courteous and respectful.
At the end of class don't forget to applaud and thank your instructor before you leave.
There you go dancers! Ten simple rules that will take you to the next level.
Talk later!
Maestra Kareli
P.S. If you haven't done so already, read my last blog post, "9 Ways a Folklorico Dancer Can Captivate the Audience." If you like my blog please, subscribe below!